Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling
Our diploma programme is validated by COSCA and credit-rated by the University of the West of Scotland at SCQF Level 10.
We are holding an Open Event on Wednesday 26th February 2025, click here for further information.
Overview of the Diploma Programme
The Centre’s Diploma in Counselling is a 400-hour, two-year part-time course that provides a full professional training for those wishing to train as counsellors. The diploma meets on Wednesday evenings during term-time from 5pm – 8.45pm and on one Saturday each month from 9.00am – 5.30pm during term-time.
The course has a modular structure with one module running each term from September to December, January to March and April to June each year. The course is experiential in nature and broadly comprises: theoretical seminars; clinical seminars; counselling skills practice; experiential groups; personal and group tutorials; supervised counselling practice; and personal therapy.
Accreditation and course arrangements
The course is professionally validated by COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland). It is credit-rated by the University of the West of Scotland and offers 120 credits at SCQF Level 10 (Honours Degree Level).
Many graduates of the centre go on to take up counselling posts in a variety of settings; others remain in their current posts with enhanced competence.
Please find our 2025 prospectus and application form below.
Course Dates
Introductory Programme
Wednesday 13th August
Saturday 16th August
Wednesday 27th August
Saturday 30th August
Module 1
Saturday 13th September
Wednesdays 17th & 24th September and 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd October
Saturday 25th October
Wednesdays 29th October and 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th November
Saturday 29th November
Wednesdays 3rd & 10th December
Module 2
Wednesdays 7th, 14th & 21st January
Saturday 24th January
Wednesdays 28th January and 4th, 11th & 18th February
Saturday 21st February
Wednesdays 25th February and 4th, 11th & 18th March
Saturday 21st March
Wednesdays 25th March and 1st April
Module 3
Wednesdays 15th & 22nd April
Saturday 25th April
Wednesdays 29th April and 6th, 13th & 20th May
Saturday 23rd May
Wednesdays 27th May and 3rd, 10th & 17th June
Saturday 20th June
Wednesday 24th June
The Psychodynamic Approach
The course is psychodynamic in its orientation. The psychodynamic approach focuses on and explores links between individuals’ current experiences and significant events in early life. It is also central to the Psychodynamic approach to explore those aspects of the self that are not fully known and that we may not be conscious of particularly as they emerge and are potentially influenced in the here and now of the therapeutic relationship. While all successful therapies seek to relieve symptoms like depression and anxiety, the aims of psychodynamic counselling extend beyond this. By providing a safe and deeply authentic relationship between counsellor and client, the counsellor seeks to foster and develop psychological capacities and resources in the client that enable them to live and relate to others in a more meaningful and satisfying way.
Why this course?
While psychodynamic counselling has its origins in the ideas of Freud, current theory and practice have gone far beyond his initial formulation. Therefore, in addition to exploring these origins, the course consequently also concentrates significantly on object relations and attachment theory in addition to contemporary psychodynamic theory and practice. This exploration of theory is accompanied by a range of clinical training events that seek to equip students to undertake their own clinical practice. The course is experiential in nature, providing substantial opportunity for students to engage in skills practice work in support of their development in addition to affording the chance to participate in a weekly experiential group that draws on the tradition and practice of Group Analysis. The course process enables trainees to become safe and competent psychodynamic counsellors obtaining a recognised qualification to practise with which they may proceed directly towards counsellor accreditation and registration. In addition to this:
The course is provided on a non-profit basis and has very competitive fees
The course’s staff to student ratio ensures a high and continuous level of support is maintained
A scheme for Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) is in operation
Support in finding suitable counselling placements is available from the Placement Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
To undertake the course, you need to have the potential to develop into a safe and competent psychodynamic counsellor. In keeping with this aim, both personal and academic attributes will be considered in addition to related experience. Applicants also require to have completed the COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills, or similar attainment which is demonstrably equivalent.
A scheme for Accreditation of Prior Learning is in operation that allows consideration to be given to related learning and experience.
The course runs on Wednesday evenings between 5pm and 8.45pm. Course meetings are also held between 9am and 5.30pm on nine Saturdays during the year. At the beginning of the course there are two induction weekends which take place over Friday evening and all day Saturday.
The course meets from 5pm until 8.45pm every Wednesday and from 9am until 5.30pm on one Saturday each month during term-time. You will be required to achieve an attendance rate of at least 85% for each year of the course. In addition to this, you will require to undertake and pass one written assignment per term (i.e. six assignments over two years) and to attend a tutorial once per term that can be used to support you in doing so. Students also require to undertake at least 100 hours clinical practice as part of their training. This necessitates securing a student placement* in order to do so and attending regular supervision on at least a fortnightly basis in support of this work.
*The course's Placement Coordinator is available to advise and assist students in managing this task.
There is a requirement that you undertake individual counselling/psychotherapy with a psychodynamic practitioner for at least part of the time of your training. The therapy needs to be weekly in regularity and students require to attend a minimum of 40 sessions.
The course fees are £3,500 for 2024/25 and £3,500 for 2025/26. This includes the cost of 400 teaching hours. It does not include costs for supervision or personal therapy.
Students on our Diploma programme are not eligible to apply for SAAS funding. The centre is a recognised charity and seeks as far as possible for costs not to be prohibitive. Students can apply directly to the centre for assisted funding if they are significantly challenged in meeting the cost of their training.
Our application for the 2024 Diploma are now open.
Please find the application form here - Diploma 2024 Application Form
Please return this form to the Course Administrator as stated on the form. Once your written application is assessed, you will be notified as to whether you have been selected for interview. The interview process will involve meeting with two members of the course staff who will be responsible for then assessing your application in its entirety after which you will be notified as to the outcome.
Please contact us on (0141) 333-0730 or at admin@garnethillcentre.org.uk if you have further enquiries. You may also wish to attend one of our open days that afford an opportunity to visit the centre and meet with staff who are involved in delivering the diploma course. You can find details of these on our News & Events page. We can ensure you are kept informed as to developments by adding you to our mailing list should you wish this.
Undertaking your own personal therapy with a psychodynamic practitioner is recommended. The therapist should have undertaken a full psychodynamic training and to be experienced in practising in this tradition. The centre can be contacted for assistance in finding a psychodynamic therapist.
If you have any other query, do not hesitate to call us.
What our students say
Enquire about our diploma course
If you have questions or wish to enquire about undertaking our diploma programme, please complete the application form and attach it to the form.
If you have any questions please contact us